Is Obama a Socialist Poll Results
Tags: President
Obama, socialist,
Is President Obama a socialist?

"He is a Democrat but his ideas are not socialist in intent."

"OR Commie"

"He listens and surrounds himself with competant help."

"he is a Marxist."

"While he may lean toward socialistic tendencies, he is still operating within the
American Republican form of government, which limits his ability to go "truly" socialist,
and he knows it.  Frankly, I am sick and tired of "socialism" and "marxism" being so
reflexively shouted out by the Republican Party and other activist conservatives - it's  
all just hyperbole designed to garner press, and it leads to polls like these where
people are seriously believing that the U.S. has already turned into socialist France or
Poland, when it is far from it."

"Have you seen how healthcare is run in England?  Obama is trying to do the same
thing.  People die waiting to see a doctor when medicine is socialized.  Not only is
Obama a socialist, he is an inexperienced child trying to run a grown-up country."
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